March 17, 2011

Vaccines and more donations!

After sending a round of emails to family friends and relatives, I have received quite a few more donations! The total is now $760, leaving $1740 to raise! I cannot thank you enough for your contributions!!

On another note, I have to get  immunizations tomorrow morning. If any of you know me well, you will know that I have an extreme phobia of anything medical, but especially of blood and needles. In grade five, I passed out on my teacher after watching an educational film about washing cuts. While getting some immunizations before traveling to Thailand a few years ago, I fainted and had a pseudo-seizure at the doctor's office. After this pseudo-seizure thing I warned the travel nurse that was giving me more needles. She had me lie down (because you can't faint with your heart above your head) and gave me candy to raise my blood sugar. This horizontal approach actually made the whole procedure a lot less traumatizing. Tomorrow, I will eat lots of candy, insist on lying down, and whatever I do, NOT look at the nurse or the needles. Wish me luck!!


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